Reviews Reviews


Assignmentdesk's website is a labyrinth of complexity, making the process of placing an order needlessly cumbersome and time-consuming. Navigating through their services is a frustrating ordeal, as finding the right option requires wading through a maze of convoluted menus and unclear directions. This lack of user-friendliness is a significant deterrent for potential clients, who are likely to abandon the process in frustration before even reaching the order placement stage. Furthermore, the site's complexity breeds a sense of distrust and uncertainty, leaving users questioning whether they can rely on Assignmentdesk to fulfill their needs. With so many simpler and more intuitive alternatives available, it's advisable to steer clear of Assignmentdesk and explore other options that prioritize user experience and accessibility.

Pricing charge you $22.95 for 24 hours of 2:2 standard quality essay. Assignmentdesk pricing is higher as compared to the market and worst as compared to the quality of services that they are providing.

Quality of work's lack of sample work for plagiarism checking raises serious doubts about the originality and quality of their services. Without the ability to review samples, clients are left in the dark regarding the reliability of Assignmentdesk's work. Furthermore, the suspicious nature of the reviews displayed on their website, which predominantly consist of generic names and quotes, suggests a potential fabrication of positive feedback. This lack of genuine testimonials further erodes trust in the company's credibility. Reports from previous customers confirm instances of plagiarized work, further damaging Assignmentdesk's reputation. Shockingly, when clients attempt to address these issues, they are met with hostility and abuse instead of resolution. This complete disregard for customer concerns highlights Assignmentdesk's unprofessionalism and disregard for ethical business practices. Overall, it paints a grim picture of a company that prioritizes deception over integrity, leaving clients disillusioned and dissatisfied with their services.

Customer Support 

The customer support provided by falls far short of acceptable standards, bordering on the pathetic. In a recent interaction, the representative on their live chat proved utterly incompetent, failing to provide satisfactory answers to even the simplest questions. Instead of addressing concerns, he resorted to creating arguments and displaying rudeness. Throughout the entire five-minute conversation, he incessantly attempted to push sales of their services rather than focusing on resolving queries. This behavior is not only unprofessional but also indicative of a blatant disregard for customer needs and satisfaction. Such a dismal display of customer support reflects poorly on, eroding trust and leaving clients feeling frustrated and undervalued.

Writer Quality’s failure to acknowledge their writers anywhere on their website speaks volumes, perhaps because their writers are not worth acknowledging. Despite the company's claims of having expert writers, the absence of any writer profiles on their official website raises serious concerns about the quality of Assignmentdesk's service. By withholding information about their writers, effectively prevents potential clients from assessing the qualifications and expertise of the individuals tasked with their assignments. This lack of transparency is troubling, as it suggests a reluctance to stand behind the credentials and capabilities of their writing team. Clients are left in the dark, unable to make informed decisions about entrusting their academic work to Assignmentdesk. Such a blatant disregard for transparency and quality assurance undermines the credibility and trustworthiness of the company, ultimately leaving clients wary and uncertain about the reliability of the service they are paying for.

Delivery Quality

Assignmentdesk consistently fails to deliver on two critical fronts: timeliness and quality. Their track record of missed deadlines and subpar writing leaves clients with inadequate and inefficient work, often devoid of any meaningful substance. Even more concerning is their refusal to offer revisions or address client concerns, leaving no opportunity for improvement. In essence, Assignmentdesk's services are worthless, lacking any redeeming qualities. Their reputation for fraudulent and scamming activities further solidifies our decision not to recommend them to anyone seeking reliable academic assistance. Engaging with Assignmentdesk is a risky endeavor, likely to result in disappointment and frustration. It's best to steer clear of this untrustworthy company and seek out reputable alternatives that prioritize honesty, quality, and customer satisfaction.


Assignmentdesk's promise of a 100% money-back guarantee on their site proves to be nothing more than an empty pledge. Despite this assurance, once an order is placed, they fail to uphold their end of the bargain by refusing to provide any refunds. This blatant breach of trust highlights Assignmentdesk as an untrustworthy company, willing to make false promises to lure in customers without any intention of fulfilling them. Such deceitful practices not only betray the confidence of clients but also tarnish the company's reputation, making it clear that Assignmentdesk cannot be relied upon to honor their commitments.


Assignmentdesk shows a complete disregard for customer affordability by refusing to offer any form of discount, regardless of the circumstances. Their pricing strategy seems designed to drain your finances mercilessly, leaving your pockets significantly lighter without any regard for your financial situation. Moreover, the absence of a privacy policy raises serious concerns about the security of your personal and financial information when dealing with Assignmentdesk. Their customer care is equally disappointing, offering little to no support when issues arise. Instead of addressing legitimate concerns, they resort to intimidation tactics, using fake names to trap you and then threatening to contact your university when you demand a refund. This blatant disregard for customer rights and privacy paints Assignmentdesk as an untrustworthy and unethical company that prioritizes profit over customer satisfaction and integrity.

Our Conclusion 

Based on numerous reports and our assessment of the quality of services provided by, we are compelled to rate them an abysmal 1 out of 5. The consistent feedback highlights their inability to deliver satisfactory work, with assignments often marred by poor quality, lack of originality, and failure to meet deadlines. This disappointing performance is compounded by unresponsive and unhelpful customer support, leaving clients frustrated and without recourse. Given these serious shortcomings, we cannot, in good conscience, recommend to anyone, regardless of their needs. Opting for their services is a high-risk decision likely to lead to significant dissatisfaction and wasted resources. While the ultimate choice is yours, we strongly advise against using, as the potential for a positive outcome appears exceedingly slim.

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