Reviews Reviews

Introduction presents itself as another writing firm, boasting of expert writers capable of delivering high-quality content that guarantees high marks. However, such claims are common among writing companies, and not all are trustworthy or reliable. Therefore, it's essential to critically assess the credibility of before entrusting them with your academic needs. Despite their assurances, the company's track record and customer feedback must be thoroughly examined to determine their reliability and competence. Many writing firms make promises they can't keep, leading to disappointment and academic setbacks for unsuspecting customers. As we delve into reviewing, it's crucial to approach the evaluation with skepticism and thorough scrutiny to ensure that their services align with your expectations and academic standards.

Steps to register

Step 1:

On the left side of boomessays company, you will find “order now” button. Click it.

Step 2:

Now, enter your info and requirements for your paper.

Step 3:

Upload your documents.

Step 4:

Submit order.


Boomessays advertises an opening price of $15 for single-page writings, which may initially seem affordable. However, upon closer inspection, this rate is considered expensive compared to other service providers in the industry. It's essential to recognize that low prices don't always equate to favorable deals. In some cases, they may be indicative of subpar quality, hidden fees, or even fraudulent practices. Therefore, it's crucial to exercise caution when considering Boomessays or any service offering unusually low prices. Falling for the allure of low prices without scrutinizing the quality and reliability of the service provider could lead to disappointment and potentially harmful consequences for your academic pursuits. Before engaging with Boomessays, it's advisable to thoroughly research and assess their reputation, customer reviews, and terms of service to make an informed decision about whether their offerings align with your needs and standards.

Quality of Work

Boomessays falls short in providing transparency regarding the quality of their writings by withholding samples from potential customers. Without access to samples, it's challenging for students to assess the caliber of their work accurately. This lack of transparency raises doubts about the reliability and competence of Boomessays as a writing service provider. Furthermore, past customer reviews reveal a concerning pattern of poor writing quality, with many instances of plagiarism detected. Shockingly, Boomessays doesn't utilize Turnitin, a widely respected plagiarism detection tool, opting instead for cheaper, less reliable software. This negligence towards ensuring originality and quality in their writings is deeply concerning and reflects poorly on the company's integrity and commitment to academic standards. Potential customers should exercise caution when considering Boomessays, as their track record suggests a propensity for subpar work and unethical practices.

Main Service boasts an extensive range of services, including research, additional services, essays, admission essays, resumes, dissertations, science, copywriting, and math. However, the legitimacy and quality of these services come into question due to their seemingly unrealistic breadth. Before considering engaging with Boomessays, potential customers are strongly advised to thoroughly examine past customer reviews. These reviews serve as vital insights into the actual experiences of previous clients, shedding light on the reliability, professionalism, and quality of Boomessays' offerings. Given the skepticism surrounding the credibility of such a wide array of services, it's crucial to gather as much information as possible from unbiased sources before making any commitments or financial investments. Failure to heed caution and conduct adequate research could lead to disappointing outcomes and wasted resources, underscoring the importance of due diligence when navigating the realm of online writing services.

Customer support while placing order

In times of need, it's customary for customers to rely on customer care services for assistance and support. However, Boomessays appears to fall short in this regard, as their officials seem unresponsive and unhelpful when it comes to addressing students' concerns and queries. Despite being a service-oriented company, Boomessays fails to prioritize customer support, leaving students feeling neglected and unsupported. This lack of assistance can be particularly frustrating and detrimental, especially when students encounter issues or require clarification regarding their orders. Without adequate support from the company, students are left to navigate potential challenges or uncertainties on their own, potentially leading to dissatisfaction and distrust in Boomessays' services. As such, potential customers should carefully consider whether Boomessays' lack of support aligns with their expectations and needs before engaging with the company.

Writer Quality 

Boomessays fails to impress in the department of writer quality, with their writers falling short in qualifications and basic writing skills. The lack of expertise among Boomessays writers is evident in their inability to craft well-organized paragraphs, often resulting in incoherent and disjointed writing. Moreover, their writings are riddled with plagiarized content, as they resort to copying sentences directly from the internet. Shockingly, Boomessays does not employ Turnitin, a reputable plagiarism detection tool, opting instead for cheaper, less reliable software. This negligence towards ensuring originality and quality in their writings raises serious doubts about Boomessays' integrity and commitment to academic standards. Potential customers should approach Boomessays with caution, as their track record suggests a propensity for substandard work and unethical practices.

Delivery Quality 

Boomessays consistently fails to meet delivery deadlines, a glaring issue that has garnered numerous complaints from past customers. Their track record is marred by allegations of late delivery, causing significant frustration and inconvenience for students. Many customers have lamented that their grades suffered as a direct result of Boomessays' inability to deliver assignments on time. This chronic tardiness not only reflects poorly on the company's reliability and professionalism but also undermines the trust and confidence that students place in their services. The detrimental impact of late submissions on academic performance cannot be overstated, highlighting the seriousness of Boomessays' failure to uphold their end of the bargain. As such, potential customers should approach Boomessays with caution, considering the risks associated with their chronic delays and the potential consequences for their academic success.

Communication with Writer 

Communication with writers is non-existent with Boomessays, depriving customers of the opportunity to provide feedback, clarify instructions, or monitor progress effectively. This lack of communication undermines the collaborative process between clients and writers, leading to misunderstandings, dissatisfaction, and ultimately, subpar outcomes. Without a channel for direct communication, customers are left feeling isolated and powerless, unable to address concerns or make necessary adjustments to their orders. This failure to facilitate meaningful communication further erodes trust in Boomessays' services, highlighting their disregard for customer needs and preferences. Overall, the absence of communication with writers severely diminishes the quality and effectiveness of Boomessays' offerings, making them an undesirable option for students seeking reliable academic assistance.

Guarantee lacks transparency and assurance, as they do not provide any guarantees to their customers. Notably absent from their website is a guarantee page, leaving potential clients uncertain about the reliability and credibility of their services. Without clear guarantees in place, customers are left vulnerable to various risks, such as receiving subpar work, facing delays in delivery, or encountering issues with payment and refunds. The absence of a guarantee page suggests a lack of commitment to customer satisfaction and raises doubts about Boomessays' accountability for the quality and timeliness of their services. This lack of assurance can deter potential customers from engaging with Boomessays, as they may seek out providers who offer more transparent and reliable guarantees to protect their interests and investments. Overall, the absence of guarantees on's website reflects poorly on the company's credibility and trustworthiness as an academic service provider.


Boomessays fails to provide any discounts to its customers, which is a significant drawback for potential clients seeking cost-effective solutions. The absence of discounts suggests a lack of consideration for the financial constraints faced by students and a missed opportunity to incentivize repeat business and customer loyalty. Without discounts, Boomessays may struggle to compete with other service providers who offer attractive pricing incentives, potentially deterring price-conscious customers from choosing their services. Overall, the lack of discounts offered by Boomessays underscores a missed opportunity to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, ultimately limiting their appeal in the competitive academic writing market.

Payment Method 

Boomessays falls short in providing transparency and convenience regarding payment methods, as their website lacks any visible payment options. The absence of a payment method page or visible payment options creates confusion and inconvenience for potential customers, hindering their ability to proceed with transactions smoothly. Without clear guidance on how to make payments, customers may feel hesitant or uncertain about engaging with Boomessays' services, leading to lost opportunities for business. This oversight reflects poorly on Boomessays' professionalism and customer service standards, as it fails to provide essential information necessary for a seamless user experience. Overall, the lack of visible payment methods on Boomessays' site undermines their credibility and may deter potential customers from completing transactions.

Why not use this site 

It's imperative to steer clear of companies like Boomessays, affiliated with Cheat Corporation, for numerous glaring reasons. Firstly, their writers lack qualifications, resulting in subpar and unreliable work. Additionally, their writings are often plagiarized, reflecting a lack of integrity and originality. The absence of transparent pricing and a fake refund policy raise serious concerns about their trustworthiness and commitment to customer satisfaction. Moreover, Boomessays' failure to provide revision after order submission further highlights their disregard for quality and customer service. Considering these significant shortcomings, it's evident that engaging with Cheat Corporation's services, such as Boomessays, poses considerable risks and is not advisable for students seeking reliable academic assistance.



Run by cheating Indians is even not worthy Zero rating. Dont use their service, cheating Indians!!! Disgusting!!!


The writers are not affordable for the students. The charge for one page $16.9 and this is highly expensive for the students to pay. They do not offer any type of discount or package to the buyers.


They are liars. They claimed that partial payment service is available for their customers but in any case if you need to cancel your order, and paid your first installment they don’t return your amount. It means that your satisfaction does not matter for them.

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