Dissertationavenue.co.uk Reviews 2025

Dissertationavenue.co.uk Reviews


We witness online writing services emerging on internet every day. Not all of them are to provide satisfactory service to their customers. Some are there just to loot and scam innocent people. Dissertationavenue.co.uk is a website that has been flagged and reported for scams and frauds as dissertationavenue were not working legitimately.


Dissertationavenue.co.uk do not acknowledge their writers anywhere on the website, maybe for the fact that their writers are not worth acknowledging. Though dissertationavenue say that their writers are very talented but they fail to give any word about those “talents”, simply because their writers are also talented in scams and frauds.

Steps to register with

You cannot register with dissertationavenue website because Dissertationavenue don’t provide you that option, as Dissertationavenue are scammers, and allowing you to register with them would give you an access to keep a track of their work, which a fraudster website wouldn’t want certainly.

All dissertationavenue provide you is an account which you will get after buying a service from them and mark my words, once you have made the payments they will instantly block you.


Dissertationavenue.co.uk charge you £19.50 for 48 hours of 2:2 standard quality work. Dissertationavenue pricing is higher as compared to the market and worst as compared to the quality of services that they are providing.


Dissertationavenue.co.uk work is full of plagiarism and that is why dissertationavenue don’t provide any kind of offline sample to check for plagiarism as their sample are also plagiarized.

Quality of Work

As told above their work is plagiarized, content is poorly written with a lot of spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. Dissertationavenue deliveries are late and sometime late than your school deadline. They don’t even have manners of dealing with a customer.

Services Offered 

Dissertationavenue.co.uk offer all kind of dissertation services but these are just cover ups for their actual business of fraud and scams.

Grade Expectation 

You cannot and should not expect any grade after submitting such a poor quality work to your teacher.

Customer Support 

Dissertationavenue.co.uk customer support is pathetic. Dissertationavenue guy on the live chat wasn’t able to answer a single question properly. He was trying to create arguments and was being rude. During 5 mins of our chat he was constantly trying to sell me any of his service rather than answering my queries.

Safety and Security 

Like all other fraud companies out there dissertationavenue company also try to cover their scams by displaying privacy policy on its website. But that’s only a cover up and nothing more than that.


Based on reports and quality of their services we rate them 1/5. And we won’t recommend dissertationavenue company to anyone for any reason. Rest if your choice.

Our Recommendation for you - Projectsdeal UK

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