Reviews Reviews

Introduction presents itself as a comprehensive provider of writing and dissertation services for academic purposes. However, the reality of their services is far from what they claim. Many clients have fallen victim to their fraudulent practices, finding themselves deceived and abandoned after making payments. Once receives payment, they disappear without fulfilling their promises or delivering the agreed-upon services. This blatant disregard for customer trust and satisfaction highlights as an unscrupulous and dishonest entity. Clients are left feeling cheated and powerless, with no recourse for recovering their funds or seeking redress for the services they never received. Such deceptive behavior tarnishes the reputation of and underscores the importance of exercising caution when engaging with online writing services. Potential clients would be wise to steer clear of to avoid becoming victims of their fraudulent activities.


Researchprospect fails to offer transparency regarding pricing, as they do not provide a general pricing plan for their services. Instead, requires potential clients to submit personal information such as their name, number, or email in order to receive a quote. However, this approach poses significant risks, as Researchprospect has been reported for fraudulent activities. There is a concern that providing personal information to could result in the misuse or unauthorized access of this sensitive data. Clients are rightfully wary of engaging with a company that operates in such a secretive and potentially unsafe manner. The lack of upfront pricing and the requirement for personal details further contribute to the negative reputation and distrust surrounding Researchprospect.

Quality of work consistently fails to meet basic standards of quality and professionalism in their work. Clients frequently experience late deliveries, with assignments often arriving well past the agreed-upon deadlines. Furthermore, the content provided is rife with plagiarism, punctuation errors, and grammatical mistakes, rendering it virtually unusable for academic purposes. Such substandard work reflects a blatant lack of competence and attention to detail on the part of's staff. Additionally, their customer service leaves much to be desired, with reports of abusive behavior and a complete disregard for professional ethics when interacting with clients. Instead of providing genuine support and assistance,'s staff exacerbate frustrations and concerns, further eroding trust in the company. Overall, the consistently poor quality of their work and unprofessional conduct make an unreliable and untrustworthy option for anyone seeking academic assistance. Clients are advised to seek alternatives to avoid the disappointment and frustration associated with engaging with

Customer Support 

Researchprospect boasts multiple channels for customer support, including live chat, a phone number, and an email address. However, the accessibility of these options does little to improve the overall customer experience. Complaints abound regarding Researchprospect's sluggish response times, with many customers waiting extended periods for a reply, if they receive one at all. Even when a response is forthcoming, the interaction often leaves much to be desired, with representatives displaying a lack of respect and courtesy towards customers. This failure to provide timely and respectful support reflects poorly on Researchprospect's commitment to customer satisfaction and raises doubts about the reliability of their services. Potential clients would be wise to consider these shortcomings before entrusting their academic needs to Researchprospect, as the lackluster support system may prove to be a significant source of frustration and dissatisfaction.

Writer Quality asserts that their writers are home-based and possess Masters and Ph.D. degrees, yet they offer no tangible evidence to support these claims. Despite providing writer profiles containing details about education, previous employment, and areas of expertise, the absence of names makes it impossible to verify the authenticity of this information. Instead, writers are identified solely by assigned numbers, leaving clients unable to confirm their credentials or qualifications. This lack of transparency raises doubts about the legitimacy of's claims and erodes trust in the reliability of their services. Without verifiable proof of their writers' academic credentials, clients are rightfully hesitant to entrust their academic work to, highlighting the company's failure to instill confidence and credibility in its operations.

Delivery Quality

The delivery service is notoriously sluggish, with writers displaying a blatant disregard for deadlines and client expectations. Despite the urgency conveyed by customers, the writers fail to prioritize timely delivery, often submitting projects well past the agreed-upon deadlines. This lack of punctuality and accountability demonstrates a concerning lack of professionalism and reliability on the part of Clients are left frustrated and inconvenienced by the delays, as they are forced to endure extended waiting periods for their completed projects. Such inefficiency undermines confidence in's ability to deliver on its promises and fulfill customer needs in a timely manner.

Guarantees fails to provide any guarantee of refund or revision for documents submitted to them. This lack of assurance leaves clients vulnerable and unprotected, as they have no recourse in the event of dissatisfaction with the service provided. Without the safety net of a refund policy or the opportunity for revision, clients risk being stuck with subpar work that does not meet their needs or expectations. This absence of accountability further undermines confidence in's reliability and commitment to customer satisfaction, making it a risky choice for those seeking academic assistance.


The Company does not extend any form of package or discount to its clientele. This absence of incentives or cost-saving measures leaves customers without the opportunity to avail themselves of any special offers or reduced rates for their services. Such a lack of discounts or packages contrasts sharply with the practices of many other service providers in the industry, who often offer promotional deals to attract and retain customers. As a result, clients may feel disinclined to engage with, as they miss out on potential savings and benefits available elsewhere.

Our Conclusion's management team demonstrates a significant deficiency in establishing and maintaining trustworthy customer relationships. Their actions and practices indicate a lack of commitment to client satisfaction and ethical business conduct. Due to their fraudulent activities and deceptive practices, we strongly advise against engaging with Clients have reported being scammed through various deceitful tactics employed by the company. This lack of integrity and transparency undermines the credibility of as a legitimate online service provider. Given their track record of fraudulent behavior and unethical practices, it is evident that cannot be trusted. It is in the best interest of potential clients to avoid altogether to prevent falling victim to their scams and fraudulent schemes.

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